Industrial, Commercial & Residential Insulation Solutions.
The Insulation ExpertsOur family started business, Ewing Insolutions Inc., has come into existence as an extension of our passion for environmental preservation, improved technology in insulation practices, and an express interest in providing this particular service to our community. We are centrally located to service customers in the West Kootenay area.
Ewing Insolutions is owned and operated by Jesse Ewing and Greg Kreutz. Jesse and Greg have over 35 yrs., combined experience in the construction field and have made insulation and energy efficient buildings their passion.
Jesse has been involved with the insulation industry for over 15 yrs. and is an active member of BCBEC (British Columbia Building Envelope Council). Greg has owned and operated a renovation company in Nelson for the past 14 yrs. in which he has gained an extensive knowledge of building practices as well as building science.
Ewing Insolutions is dedicated to play their part in the construction of energy efficient buildings, providing consulting and insulating systems that are effective and affordable. Please feel free to contact us regarding your current or future projects. We are looking forward to working with you.
President – Jesse Ewing
Vice President – Greg Kreutz
1007 Playmor Road,
South Slocan, BC
V0G 2G1
Servicing the West Kootenay region since 2008
Below is a story about our company Featured in “Our Trust” in 2023
Insulation Business Finds Solutions Through RevUp Program | Basin Stories (ourtrust.org)
The Rossland Telegraph: https://rosslandtelegraph.com/news/new-pair-warm-boots-old-basement-16640#.ZCXVFsrMKUk
Better Business Bureau Profile: https://www.bbb.org/ca/bc/south-slocan/profile/insulation-contractors/ewing-insolutions-inc-0037-2419372
Facebook Profile: https://www.facebook.com/ewinginsolutions/
Instagram Profile: https://www.instagram.com/ewinginsolutions/?hl=en
Insulation Business Finds Solutions Through RevUp Program | Basin Stories (ourtrust.org)
Insulation Business Finds Solutions Through RevUp Program | Basin Stories (ourtrust.org)
Below is a rebate program that works with us, the Contractor directly for the portion of the payment you are eligible for.
You could be eligible for 60% to 95% coverage by this program.
Call the office today at 250-777-1989 to inquire about Eligibility.
Clean Energy Incentives & Rebates Canada (Updated 2021) (energyhub.org)
Below are more rebate programs that will work directly with you, the homeowner:
ENERGY STAR rebates and incentives directory – Search | Natural Resources Canada (nrcan.gc.ca)
Energy Efficiency Programs – Province of British Columbia (gov.bc.ca)
Insulation Business Finds Solutions Through RevUp Program | Basin Stories (ourtrust.org)
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Industrial, Commercial & Residential Insulation Solutions.
Our family business, Ewing Insolutions Inc., has come into existence as an extension of our passion for environmental preservation, improved technology in insulation practices, and an express interest in providing this particular service to our community. We are centrally located to service customers in the West Kootenay area.
Ewing Insolutions is owned and operated by Jesse Ewing and Greg Kreutz. Jesse and Greg have over 35 yrs., combined experience in the construction field and have made insulation and energy efficient buildings their passion.
Jesse has been involved with the insulation industry for over 15 yrs. and is an active member of BCBEC (British Columbia Building Envelope Council). Greg has owned and operated a renovation company in Nelson for the past 14 yrs. in which he has gained an extensive knowledge of building practices as well as building science.
Ewing Insolutions is dedicated to play their part in the construction of energy efficient buildings, providing consulting and insulating systems that are effective and affordable. Please feel free to contact us regarding your current or future projects. We are looking forward to working with you.
Insulation Business Finds Solutions Through RevUp Program | Basin Stories (ourtrust.org)
We are located in the heart of the beautiful West Kootenay Region, Where we service a wide range of communities throughout.
Below are a few of the Services we provide
Spray Foam Insulation is one of the most popular types of insulation today, due to it having a high R Value per inch, as well as it being resistant to water, mold & insects. It has widely become the insulation of choice because of its capacity to seal. This type of insulation does not require an extra vapor barrier.
Traditional Cellulose Insulation, used in attic spaces to increase the R Value in your existing home, or to provide an R Value for new builds that don’t require other types of insulation. It is made from recycled newspaper which is always in ample supply.
Fiberglass Insulation consists of extremely fine glass fibers and is found in most homes, commonly used in two different types of insulation known as Batts and Rolls. These can be placed in unfinished walls, floors and ceilings by fitting them between studs, joists & beams.
We are proudly registered to work with the rebate programs offered in British Columbia , please find some of their websites below.
Clean Energy Incentives & Rebates Canada (Updated 2021) (energyhub.org)
ENERGY STAR rebates and incentives directory – Search | Natural Resources Canada (nrcan.gc.ca)
Energy Efficiency Programs – Province of British Columbia (gov.bc.ca)