Industrial, Commercial & Residential Insulation Solutions.

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Industrial, Commercial & Residential Insulation Solutions.

Our family business, Ewing Insolutions Inc., has come into existence as an extension of our passion for environmental preservation, improved technology in insulation practices, and an express interest in providing this particular service to our community. We are centrally located to service customers in the West Kootenay area.

Ewing Insolutions is owned and operated by Jesse Ewing and Greg Kreutz. Jesse and Greg have over 35 yrs., combined experience in the construction field and have made insulation and energy efficient buildings their passion.

Jesse has been involved with the insulation industry for over 15 yrs. and is an active member of BCBEC (British Columbia Building Envelope Council). Greg has owned and operated a renovation company in Nelson for the past 14 yrs. in which he has gained an extensive knowledge of building practices as well as building science.

Ewing Insolutions is dedicated to play their part in the construction of energy efficient buildings, providing consulting and insulating systems that are effective and affordable. Please feel free to contact us regarding your current or future projects. We are looking forward to working with you.

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